Wind Power: all of the aesthetic beauty of a wiener

After every argument in favor of wind power is deconstructed as it is here:

and here:

The only argument left standing is that we should build these monsters because they are pretty.  You can talk to any green and they will go on and on about how they admire the aesthetic view of them from afar and how they want to gaze upon their naked faces in the glowing embers of sunset.



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Happy Fourth Of July

It is pretty exciting to see modern events happening in real-time.  I really especially enjoyed the recent news and how the press had cameras on the marches and the crowds.  We got to basically feel the energy and the determination of both sides which is undoubtably one of the only benefits to 24/7 media.  And the witness of a momentous event that was almost completely blood-less was something of a wonder.  This is not to say these kind of events are to be necessarily wanted, but namely that when they do happen its nice to have a front-row seat so to speak.  Perhaps this kind of scrutiny drives people to find peaceful methods to their operation as well?  With the entire world watching, its difficult to pull things off that both sides might have attempted if the scrutiny had not been applied.  As I type this blog report up on the Fourth Of July, I can not but help but wonder if events came together just for our holiday celebrating freedom?  It’s a nice sentiment anyway.


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