The next Four Years


Most people have reconciled with the fact that Obama will be president for the next four years.  Obama is of course a raging narcissistic person where we can see it from his reactions to criticism in the debates with Romney (the rage) or the constant manipulation and lies he tells.  The largest question right now is, wow do we deal with this as a country?  It’s not going to be the end of the world as some claim, but knowing what is going to happen can help us all out.  Obama as a rule is going to stick to his initial thoughts on things.  Narcissistic people do not change their minds for rational reasons and will stick to a course no matter how illogical it is.  In the end, a narcissistic person does not reason at all and thinks the world revolves around himself or herself.  In this sense, we can expect more of the same.  Things won’t get worse as some people believe, but they won’t get any better in that sense.  Obama will continue to pile on the liberal agenda which he believes will save the country.  But he will do it slowly and sporadically as before.  A narcissistic above all else is arbitrary on what they do and say.  I am not sure exactly which part of the agenda he will focus on primarily to start or what will be done later because frankly a narcissistic person is not rational and will do what they want to do based on rather abstract reasoning that no one could ever hope to understand.  The truest way to deal with a narcissistic person is just to ignore them, but unfortunately in this case we have no choice as the president can not be ignored.

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